As I understand that, jealously is defined as 'Feeling or showing a resentful suspicion that one’s partner is attracted to or involved with someone else' yet 'Possessive deemed showing an unwillingness to share one’s possessions' (Oxford UK) definitions apart, agreed.

I agree that the actions described, are totally punishing, as trust should be mutual within clear boundaries. Sulking is such a totally, manipulative thing to do and hell unpleasant for those involved. Given that, which is born from annoyance or disappointment cannot be healthy? Do we not all want successful, happy, fun relationships? But consider what she and he is doing, is hurting' the other person, clearly communication is required. Albeit, I suspect that this is more than likely to be without intent, he/she needs to tell he/her what is required, agrees or disagreed, decisions made.

Just my thoughts, Sett