Master and slave have made up our issues and now Master has decided to give me a brand with Masters initials on the brand not by fire but by cold ice as Master has never done any branding before He has asked a good friend of ours who is a Domme to give me the brand who has done many brands before
My question is does any Doms/Masters/Dommes know how long will the brand be left on my left bum cheek and what sort of pain will it be.........the level 1 to 10..............1 equals low...........5 equals to medium...............and 10 equals high.
BTW i am up for in having this brand done..................This question is mostly for all Doms/Masters/Dommes who have had there own sub/slaves branded which i don't expect there will be many who have had this done so i am not expecting to have many replies back from this question.

Many Thanks
