You are in my mind
I cannot get you out
I live through you
There is no doubt
You make me feel safe
I never want to leave
I cant get enough
Let me prove to you please
I will do anything for you
I will never cave
I am in your soul
I am you slave
Some of my thoughts
drive you insane
When i am being bad
You punish me with pain
I need your control
to stop my troubled mind
overpower me Master
I know that's your goal
Through you Master i am alive
without you
I cannot survive
I live my life
only for you
Nothing else matters
Can you see that too?
You are my strength
My will to live
I will worship you forever
and submission i will give
I love you Master
Everyday more and more
My love is unconditional
Your the one i adore
One day Master
You will see
That perfect slave