A Woman Should Not Have to Marry Her Rapist

"Some 200 woman activists rallied outside Morocco’s parliament building on Saturday to demand the repeal of a rape-marriage law. Under the law, article 475, a rapist is allowed to marry his victim if she is a minor so he can avoid prosecution."

"Amina was from Larache near Tangiers, a poor, rural area where it is simply “unacceptable” for a woman to lose her virginity before marriage, says the BBC. Her father, Lahcen al-Filali, told an online newspaper, goud.ma, that when he reported that his daughter had been raped, the local court’s prosecutor advised him to have Amina marry the rapist. Al-Filali told AFP that he was opposed to the union but that his wife had insisted: ”She said we had to do it so people would stop deriding us, to remove the shame.”"

"Under Moroccan law, convicted rapists can be sentenced to five to 10 years in prison or between 10 and 20 years if the victim is a minor, along with a fine of 200 to 500 dirhams ($24-60). But if the rapist marries his victim, he cannot be prosecuted unless she is able to obtain a divorce, which is highly unlikely as, under Moroccan law, the decision of a judge authorizing such a marriage cannot be reversed."

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/a-woman-...#ixzz1pgTXU5pi

Apparently this happended also in Europe in Medieval times. If a women stood to inherit land and someone wanted it, he could rape the women and she'd have to marry him.