While I certainly haven't read every story on this site, I've noticed a certain trend in the "teen" stories that is starting to bug me:

Teen rape stories in which the rapist intentionally 'ruins' the victim's pussy and/or anus. For example, the rapist will have a ridiculously large cock (11-12+ inches) and he uses it on a very young virgin, and takes great pleasure in feeling her skin and muscles tearing. Or else a huge dildo will be used with the same results - actually damaging the victim's pussy, or at the very least stretching it beyound belief and eliminating any tightness that was once there.

Now, this kind of scene has its place, don't get me wrong. It doesn't squick me. I'm just bothered by how frequently this happens in stories. It's especially bothersome when the story indicates that the rapist has some sort of long-term plan for the victim - making her his slave; selling her; sharing her, etc. If that is the plan, then isn't it kind of defeating the purpose if the rapist destroys the victim's most valuable 'asset' in the very first encounter? Even if the rapist merely intends to hold the girl prisoner for a period of time and rape her multiple times, it would seem that he would want to experience her tightness every time he rapes her. With these 'wreck the pussy the first time' scenes, it would seem that the following rapes would feel like sticking your cock into a bowl of Jello.

Anybody understand what I'm saying? Am I alone here?