1) Rape. A common one, I'm sure. While I occasionally imagine myself raping someone, it usually takes the form of an innocent girl being raped by someone else (during a robbery, home invasion, or whatever). I'm not really into the whole "she resists at first, but then starts to enjoy it" scenario.... my fantasies are usually strictly of the non-consensual variety.

2) Slavery. This is one I might actually try to carry out one day, if I ever find a girl who is willing. I would dress her in a shiny or lacy-looking bra and panties, with metal cuffs around her wrists and neck, connected by a long silver chain that I can use to lead her around. She would fill the role of a servant, cooking, cleaning the house, etc., all the while being sexually available to me at any time, of course. She would be forbidden to eat, drink, or use the restroom, without first asking my permission. And, of course, she would refer to me as 'Sir' or 'Master' at all times. :-D

3) Seduction. Different in character from the others. I imagine myself being seduced by a beautiful, sexy young woman who isn't really interested in me at all, and in fact doesn't even have any intention of actually having sex with me.... she's just toying with me, teasing me and leading me on in order to get what she wants.... money, information, whatever. She could be planning to commit a crime, and she needs my help or something along those lines. She manipulates and takes advantage of me, all the while promising that when it's over, we'll retire to a tropical island somewhere and.... well, you get the idea. Of course, that never happens.... if I ever DID come through with what she wanted, she would probably run off with some better looking guy and leave me cold.... I'm just a toy, a pawn in her twisted little games....

4) Mother/Daughter. A 14/15 yr old girl, starved for her distant mother's love and affection. The only time she ever gets it, however, is when she does what her mother wants.... which, in this case, involves participating in a series of raunchy, degrading porn movies being made by a friend of hers, or perhaps a relative of her husband's. The landlord, or perhaps the bank manager her mom owes money to, might also be involved. The mom pretends to be stockpiling the money so that she and her daughter can move out and get their own place, but in reality she's spending it all on her more attractive stepdaughter (the daughter she's REALLY always wanted). After awhile, she begins to become disgusted with her daughter for the increasingly degrading activities she takes part in, but of course, continues to exploit them for cash. She also grows even more distant from her daughter, no longer even rewarding her with the small amounts of love and affection she used to offer after her daughter had completed one of her movies....

5) Mother/Stepfather. Similar to the scenario above. The mother dotes on her stepchildren, but is cold and distant to her own 14/15 yr old daughter. Always makes her feel like she's not pretty enough, etc. Her new husband is well to do and provides her with a comfortable life, but makes certain demands in return.... increasingly twisted, sadistic, perverse demands. Finally husband and wife reach an unspoken agreement: she gets her money and her comfortable living, and in return proffers her own teenage daughter in order to satisfy her husband's sick desires.