After talking with you on messenger...and hearing of your pain and misery, from your past and your present. I thought I'd share with you some poems that I wrote...many years ago.

They might not be relevant to you...but I thought of them while we were speaking.

It is hard to meet on here with someone for the first time and share with them some very deep and personal matters, but I am happy to be your friend and assist you where I can.

If you need anyone i'm here too hunni.


Stop. Please. Don't.

Move those clenched fists away from me
Take that evil gleam from your eye
Do not hurt me with your words
I am fragile I can break with such a serpent tongue
I have been broken too many times to count
Do not cause me to falter I have endured enough
Where are my companions when I need their words
Their strong arms around me, their presence felt.....
The mind games have gone on for the longest time
Why did I not speak when I had the chance?
I need my friends around me
Yet similarily they too are overburdened
By dark clouds called human life
Each day we chip away at the darkness
Enveloped by love and care
Stronger as a group
While that trains whistles and blows
Sending chills deep within me
I fear the sound of the train
For when it stops at the station
It is one step close to bringing me
Home to my nightmare

November 28th, 2004.


Fading slowly whispering death
Almost camouflaged from view
I am honoured to be
Surrounded by loving friends
Almost family the bond is strong
I think to myself why things are
As they are in my life
Why such tests of endurance
And strength and anguish
I falter and smile weakly
I think upon my new family
A smile and ray of hope
Peaks through for
My ultimate salvation
I pray that I shall never fail them
As they shall not fail me
We stick together
Bound by trust and love
Almost as strong as blood
Fading from what I once knew
Still enduring the pain
But with my darlings
By my very side
I feel that I do not walk
This treacherous road alone

I love you guys *hug*

November 30th, 2004.