As you are all probably aware by now, BDSM_Tourguide is moving some threads around in the Forum in the hopes of having them in more logical locations.

I think this is a very good idea and if I knew it was possible, would have suggested it some time ago. It dovetails nicely with an idea I've been considering.

I would like to suggest adding two new sub-forums. One would be just for the picture threads, which don't seem to fit logically anywhere. The other would be for non-sexually related threads, such as the recent one on relativity and the older political ones (which, since they DO exist, might just as well have their own ghetto, so that they are easier to avoid).

I was among the people who could never figure out where threads such as "The Soldier" really belonged. General Talk seemed to be the least of several evils, but the reception that the relativity thread got there was less than warm.

Since GaryWilcox became moderator of "the bottom of the Forum", it has occured to me that maybe the Forum should really be in three parts, with the bottom and the middle as they are now and the top consisting of three sub-forums: General Talk; Illustrations; and Non-Sex Talk(or whatever -- names aren't my strong suit). Illustrations and Non-Sex would each have a code of conduct separate from, and somewhat stricter than, the overall code of conduct.

Reactions, anyone?