I have just finished reading A Colorado Country Girl\'s Self Bondage by Shackleford Bond. It is the true memoirs of a Mary Elizabeth Moore life of bondage. To say it was erotic is an understatement. It was very well written and I could not stop reading it until I was finished. I found I was away looking for what did she do next. WOW, very powerful. There are parts that I find hard to believe but that maybe because of my sheltered life. I sometimes find truth stranger than fiction. But these are my own feelings and I do not wish to take anything away from the author. Anyway the reason I am writing this is that she found bondage and torture to be very addictive. She starts off with light bondage and gets into heavy torture by the end of the story. It seems, and she admits, that that she always finds she wants more and the more she want the more extreme she wants it. I was wondering if any real slaves or what ever found this happening to them?