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Book Project


Collected by fluttrz

ongoing titles (2 stories listed)
new chapters updated - check frequelty.

New Slave, His! (1 stories listed)
stories of the willing (of sorts) entrence of a female in to sexual slavery.

Unwilling Trainees (0 stories listed)
No Choice! No Rights! Yes Pain! Yes Masters Will! She will learn to obey or die! He doesn't care if she submits - he enjoys taking every one of her tears & screams.

SLAVES - stupid bimbos (0 stories listed)
this self with contain stories that could convince me of the following: *yes slave-stupid bimbo was necessary for story *not just a male/female hate females story *plot & character's r believable *story both plausible & readable.

* 2-READ * long (1 stories listed)
* WANT 2 READ * rest! Longer multi-part Stories.

Desired Fruit (1 stories listed)
stories of a womans domination for sole purpose of gaining what he truly desires . . .

total domination (2 stories listed)
storys where slave learn their status

  • Capture and training of a slave: by MasterD
    (Synopsis: Middle age man comes into money and deides only a slave will make his lfe complete. The object of the training is total control over every aspect of slaves life. Humiliation will be the key to breaking the will of a rebelious slave. Pain will prove to overwhelm the slaves willpower. Following chapters will take the slave to the depths of degradation.)
    Comment: wonderfully well written story of slave training
  • Control Removal: by choice
    (Synopsis: orifice has just been brought into a world. A world beneath the norm, one filled with dark desires. she is trapped in His place. A place where everything is run by Him. orifice\'s control over her very own body is slowly, cruelly torn away from her, as she succumbs to His sadistic demands.)
    Comment: everything even eating is under his contol


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