I apparently sparked an awesome debate in the chat, and got nearly everyone in the channel involved with this, so I feel it only fitting to share it with the world here. It's a hypothesis, as in, I've found evidence on both sides that counteract the other sides theories. It might end up being thrown to perception, and there is no right or wrong answer. But I'd love to know your opinions.

It is my own personal opinion that most all acts involved in BDSM have roots, small or large, in Humiliation. Almost any act you can think of in a BDSM context, can be demeaning and humiliating, on some form or level. The findings are vast that this is truth, including spanking, submitting in general, conforming to a Tops' desires, dressing or acting a certain way for your Top, et cetera. The list goes on, and most of these things seem, at least to me, humiliating on some degree. Granted some of them are hard to see as humiliating(submitting in general), but when you look at it hard enough, you can kind of see how it could be very, very slightly humiliating in a form or fashion.

Your thoughts?